Alternative Dispute Resolution, ending the conflicts without going through the courts.
Conflicts can be found in places whether they became news or not. However, most people are known to settle disputes in court, and only a few know that settlement does not always have to end at the court. Many cases ended out of the courtroom, although they must be compoundable offenses. Such settlement is called ” Alternative Dispute Resolution “.
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?
To put it simply, Alternative Dispute Resolution is a dispute resolution outside the courtroom. This is a legal proceeding without going through the court procedures. Since litigation is cost-consuming with complicated processes, many are urges to quickly resolve conflicts and could not wait to process with court proceedings. Therefore, an alternative for a faster route is required.
There are several Alternative Dispute Resolution methods. As a brief summary, it can be distinguished into 3 methods;
- Negotiation. Negotiation is where the parties agree to face each other without any third parties involved, resulting in cost and time savings. But if the negotiations could not come to an agreement, it will cause a delay. To proceed with negotiation, a duration to conclude the negotiation may need to be specified. This method has its advantage as there is no third parties’ involvement, so any secrets during the negotiation will not be leaked.
- Mediation
Mediation, or sometimes called “Conciliation”, is the dispute resolution process by the parties’ consent to involve a third party. The mediator can also be a judge, as long as she is not seated in that case, as well as any individual or a group of people. If you choose to receive a service from THAC, the Center will provide you with trained mediators who have the qualification of your choice to perform their duties with impartiality. It is noted that the mediator does not has any obligation to render a decision for the dispute matters.
Arbitration is another alternative dispute resolution outside the courtroom. It is a process by which the parties agree to involve a neutral and independent third party who has expertise in the disputed matter as a decision-maker on the disputes. The parties must also accept the award and are bound to comply with such award. The parties may withdraw the case from litigation and submit for arbitration instead.
About us
Thailand Arbitration Center or THAC is a center that provides services in arbitration and mediation with an international standard. It has been in operation since 2015 to support and promote international arbitration and provide arbitration services that are independently operated with international standards. With experience and professional expertise, thus, ensuring that users will receive accurate and fast services. Also, THAC is located in the central business district, which makes it easier to travel. It also offers services at a lower rate which helps you to save both time and money.
If you are interested, please contact THAC at email [email protected] or call +66 (0) 2018 1615.