THAC has signed a (MoU) with CSA Cooperate in the settlement of alternative construction disputes.

On August 20, 2021, Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) leading by Mr. Pasit Asawawattanaporn, Managing Director of Thailand Arbitration Center signing an MOU with Prof. Dr. Narong Leungbootnak Director of the Construction Solutions Office Thailand (CSA) and participated in a discussion on the topic “Construction Arbitration Ideas” to promote and support academic cooperation and co-operation with our service Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) including training course, seminars, academic conferences. personnel development and other activities together.
Since the past, there are many disputes in the construction industry. and the construction business group, as well as those involved in the construction. Which the method of dispute resolution is not yet known very widely and deeply. Therefore, THAC foresaw this problem and decided to sign an MoU with the Construction Solutions Office (CSA) with Ms. Machimdhorn Khampiranont and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nisit Intamano, Director of the Master of Laws Program Sripatum as witnesses. in this signing.
In addition, during the seminar, the institute was honored by a lecturer who specializes in solving construction problems such as Mr. Chamnan Pichetphan, the founder of the Construction Lawyers Club Thailand in this seminar, the institute gave the opportunity for interested persons to join the discussion from home. Through the ZOOM program to prevent and maintain the distance between the COVID-19 epidemic in Thailand, this seminar has received interest and has many participants.