THAC held a meeting to select the listed arbitrators of the year 2564

On January 18, 2021, the Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) held a meeting to select the arbitrators at the Thailand Arbitration Center, Bhiraj Tower, 26th Floor (EmQuartier), in order to promote and develop the arbitration proceeding to the enhancement of its efficiency and standard and be well-organized.
The Arbitration Center Act B.E. 2550 has stipulated that the Thailand Arbitration Center shall have an obligation to promote and develop the arbitration proceeding. This also including to provide related procedures regarding the Alternative Dispute Resolution by arbitration. To achieve its purpose to provide arbitration services with both efficiency and conformity with international standards, Thailand Arbitration Center is, therefore, held a meeting to select arbitrators who meet all the qualifications and standards set by the Center, both Thai and foreign arbitrators. In this regard, the arbitrators’ list of THAC will be valid for three years from its announcement date. When the said period is expired, the Center will then reassess the names listed in this announcement