About the Thailand Arbitration Center
The Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) is a leading arbitral institution in Thailand. It provides Arbitration, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services for international and domestic disputes. THAC is growing rapidly over the years, and in the upcoming 2021, THAC has prepared new opportunities for students to publish their papers on topics such as ADR.
THAC is therefore calling for papers to be published on its website and social media platforms. The deadline for the submission is 15th March 2021 and the first round of publication will be in April 2021. The final shortlisted participating articles will be also published in the 2021 THAC yearbook.

Submissions will be accepted on the contemporary and relevant issues on areas such as International Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, Conciliation, and Online Dispute Resolution.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are accepted only in the English language.
All articles must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
The abstract must include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
Co-authorship is permitted for all articles.
The papers should not contain any references to the identity of the authors. However, authors are allowed to cite their previous published work.
The body of the paper should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and 1.5-line spacing.
The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.
The citations must conform to the style of OSCOLA (4th Edition).
Papers should only use footnotes as a means of citation. No other method shall be permitted.
Substantive footnotes are permissible.
Submission Deadline
Last Date of Submission: 15th March 2021.
Submission Procedure
The paper shall be sent in MS Word (.docx) format to [email protected]. The subject of the email should be “THAC Paper – Title of the paper”.
Contact Info
E-mail: [email protected]