No more worries about online trading, even if there is a problem between parties

In the digital era, where mobile shopping has become so easy and facility to both trader and buyer
But who knows, the convenience may come with problems or even dispute, for a worst-case scenario;
⚠️ Confirming orders, already delivered, but the customer canceled without paying any cost
⚠️ Already paid but didn’t get any products or the goods don’t match with the advertising
⚠️ Arguing, could not make any negotiate; a trader is discredit and a buyer is also dishonored and humiliated
Because of both trader and customer broke each other trust, the dealing, purchasing and transactions are not flowing as it should be especially when the negotiation can’t help and end up with the court which waste of money, time, getting bad feeling between each other and may cause discredited
But with the TalkDD platform, the dispute resolution processes will be easier, faster, reducing stress because friendly to use from any places with accessing the internet, moreover it can be the others choice to make the dispute resolution, saving cost and time, no more worries about going to the court
Talk DD is one of the Thai online dispute resolution (ODR) platform, so whether you are a dealer or buyer who facing any dispute between trading partners, Talk DD is here to help to reduce the complex and complicated process in any types of dispute resolution, also ensure that both parties will find a win-win solution together at odr.thac.or.th